Wednesday 26 September 2012


Tome's SS13 collection is rather flawless; elegant clean lines reminiscent of 90s minimalism, lashings of metallic silver and gold, pared back with hints of silken lace - well and truly on the path to simplistic perfection. My eye is on the camisole in the third image.

Tuesday 25 September 2012


Holidays strike yet again and I have already had three days off and have spent a considerable about of time in between the sheets:

I watched Ingmar Bergman's Cries and Whispers a while back whilst doing The Three Sisters by Chekov, they have a few similarities, and now I want to watch it again. I also really would like to get my hands on Face to Face, one of his less popular films, which was recently adapted for stage in a mediocre performance at the STC. Snippets of the orignial, starring Liv Ullman look great, but I cant seem to find it anywhere! 

Dreaming about seeing Jean Genet's 'The Maids' at STC in 2013:

 Taking up ballet again and sticking with it:

A few nights out, seeing plays, eating dinner, drinking vodka:

The eternal quest for truth?

Headshots for school are coming up and I actually can't think of anything worse. I don't know what to do with my hair, calamity!

And then some more of this:


#1 Acne SS 13 


 Golly, I love every single frame Prada/Miu Miu have concieved. These sixties inspired, Daria meets Mary Quant beauties are right up my alley. I am style coveting the Miu Miu Noir sunglasses from a few seasons ago in tortoise shell or even the silver glitter for summer, I think they'll do very nicely, very nicely indeed with a 50s/60s black one piece I will begin searching for in the near future. It's always fabulous to keep things simple then go crazy in the accessories department, gives the world so much more meaning, you know what I mean?


Rodarte, (ro-dart-ey?), SS13, hair, blew me away. I absolutely love this look; the 1920s angelic pin up with stars in her hair. All that is missing is a silver glitter cresent moon hanging from the ceiling, or heavens, if you will. I once found the perfect star hair accessory on the brilliant online store Summerland, by Chelsea of Cat Party, but I think I put it off too long and they are all gone.

Monday 24 September 2012


"Theres no art to find the mind's construction in the face" 
Macbeth, Shakespeare

The National Portrait Gallery in London has announced an exhibition of more than 150 photographs by American artist Man Ray. Included in the show are images of Catherine Deneuve, Pablo Picasso and his muse and artistic collaborator, the photographer Lee Miller.  

The human face is like a map, so vast and telling in all it's lines, crevices, expression and structure, yet at the same time, an intelligently moulded facade in which we hide behind, with the real truth only flickering in the windows of our eyes.  A good portrait is one that can distill just an essence of this truth in a photograph.

Friday 7 September 2012



"Except for those people down there, we might be the only ones in the whole world"

- That mysterious incantation often chimes through my head, catching me unaware and I find myself reciting it over again with absolutely no recollection of its implantation into my brain. The last time it came to haunt me was watching a Greek film at the Sydney Film festival called L. All I remember was it running through my head like a wild canary trapped in a cage. And as soon as the film finished, of course, it vanished. My first hypothesis was that it came from a mixtape I had developed quite an infatuation with, in which Marc Bolan and T-rex read fairy-tales about handsome elves, slices of blueberry pie and some mythical lily pond. It seemed to me the line would have slid in somewhere there, very nicely indeed. Hypothosis number two next; God is definitely trying to talk to me; am I yet to acknowledge its profound and resonating subliminal truth? Am I? Then I watched Picnic at Hanging Rock and the planets re-aligned. The line was in the goddamn movie! -

The film, directed by Peter Wier, harks back to the 1900s in all is Edwardian glory. The long white lace dresses, with creme puff sleeves and high frilled necklines, the parasols, the straw hats the corsets and plaited pigtails... It all makes me want to slip into a parallel universe whose portal appears in a rock face somewhere to find myself sprawled across a picnic blanket, reading a paperback book in the afternoon sun.

The cinematography is simply magic, especially for a film made in 1975; to aid in the creation of a dream sequence in the film, Weir used an old piece of material from a wedding dress over the camera lense! It certainly served to capture the ethereal essence of the film that left me with a feeling of euphoric bliss combined with a bizarely sentimental acknowledgment of nature and our man-made confinements of time. I was even largely impressed with the acting of cast of fairly young females (of uneartly beauty) led by Anne Louise Lambert as Miranda  and Jackie Weaver, who later emerged to be one of our cinema and stage legends, in a minor role as the maid.

Picnic at Hanging Rock has become somewhat of a cultural relic in our cinematic history and a definite must see on the Criterion list.

Saturday 1 September 2012


You know when your bored and the sun's shining and your home alone and theres nothing better to do other than photograph yourself in your favourite Benah scarf? This was one of those moments. Pretty positive I deserve a double scoop Messina for my efforts.



These are a few of my favourite things....

#1. I Philosykos by Diptique, the scent of my dreams // An Aveda perfume by mother's friend gave me for my 18th, it has gold leaf in it and came in such a beautiful old crystal bottle. I use it very sparingly // Egyptian Magic from Mecca, this stuff is magic // Byredo's Pulp, I'm so sad it's practically gone // Aesop everything // Marvis toothpaste, because teeth need treats too // Maison Balzac candle in 'Rose', next I want to try 'Sud'
#2. Sexual flowers; fresh cut tulips & hyacinths 
#3. A clean room, and my Claramonte crochet bag from the Corner Shop
#4. Diptyque Philosykos
#5. Details
#6. Jordy Askill gold crescent moon ring, I wear him everyday // Pink daisy earrings from the markets //  Lapis Lazuli ring from the Blue Mountains // Trusty YSL // Crystals from around the world